Blomaachen (aka Truancy)
Art & Truant pedagogy?
Casino wills wissen
What could the university of the future look like? Is there much sense in creating a hard-core campus in the age of control. Perhaps the best way is a free association that disseminates modules, without hierarchy or evaluation, and without borders, the desire for knowledge is best shared? Is the new model, a truant university?
The “poster session” organized at Casino Luxembourg is not to present a result but rather a starting point. It is an interface open to all for informal discussions on peer education emancipation strategies. The different perspectives and possibilities will be discussed and debated. The session takes place with the following artists. Yves Bartlett, Camille Bertrand, Korto Bojović Amar, Marie Capesius, Deyi Studio, Chia Lee, Emma Dupré, Lynn Scheidweiler, Michiko Van De Veld
The day of research and exchange starts at 14h00 will be rounded off at 18h 00 with a series of conferences and lectures open to everyone.
A presentation by the artists and an informal discussion:
18 h 00
Agathe Boulanger : Ce que que Laurence Rassel nous fait faire (lecture). ABOUT Agathe: Artist, co-author of What Laurence Rassel Makes Us Do (Les presses du réel), an interview with curator and teacher Laurence Rassel
18 h 30
Antoine Moreau : Le copyleft, un droit de l'auteur soucieux du bien commun (conférence). ABOUT Antoine: Lecturer at the University of Franche-Comté at the Multimedia Department of Montbéliard, initiator of the Free Art License.
19 h 00
Yann Moulier-Boutang : Échapper à la colonisation numérique des cerveaux : que peut l’art ? (conférence). ABOUT Yann:Professor of economics at the University Alliance Sorbonne-University of Technology of Compiègne; associate professor at the Sino-European University of Technology (UTSEUS) of the University of Shanghai (SHU) and at the Offshore School (Shanghai); Co-director of the journal Multitudes. The offshore school's research-creation program, a post-diploma from the Nancy National School of Art and Design, this year falls within the framework of Esch 2022, European Capital of Culture.
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