Tom was joined on the Breakfast Show today by Paul Sweetnam who is Operations Manager at the Rugby Club de Luxembourg, Marie-Gabrielle Poupel who is Secretary of the Luxembourg Touch Federation and Nick Frank who runs the RCL Touch club and the Junior Touch which is part of the RCL Ecole de Rugby.
They were here specifically to talk about Touch Rugby in Luxembourg which has been a popular sport in the country for over 18 years.
Touch Rugby is a 6 a side non-contact version of Rugby where the Tackle is a light Touch. As speed of thought and teamwork is more important than power, it is possible for men, women, boys and girls of different ages and physical capability to play together in social to elite competitive environments. At the RCL club night the age range frequently is from 14 - 60yrs.
Luxembourg competes at international Touch Rugby tournaments and including the European Championships where their teams have played against the like of England or Scotland.
Touch Rugby is open to anybody that would like to try it out. For any females that would like to try it out there is a women's only night on the 1st Thursday of the month. Otherwise new players can attend Tuesday club night which is a mixed training environment.
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