Six years ago, Stéphanie Ravat's daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Since this day, the disease has dominated the daily live of the family as her daughter needed constant care. For Stéphanie and her ex-husband, it was nearly impossible to work and care for their daughter. She needs up to eight insuline shots daily, day and night. The doses needs to be calculated based on the calories she eats per meal. A wrong doses could kill her. When she was a teenager, Stéphanie had to assist her daughter with the calculations every few hours.
On Voices Matter, she talks about this experience and about what needs to change. Parents only get granted two days leave from work per year to care for their sick children - impossible to handle with a disease such as Diabetes Type 1. Stéphanie has seen many mothers in her situation quitting their jobs to care for their children.
That’s why she, together with several doctors specialized in pediatrics and diabetology, calls on the government to change the legislation. Parents need more time to care for their sick children.