The Ministry of Equality between women and men this month celebrates the 20th anniversary of Luxembourg’s first legislation that protects victims of domestic violence. Since 2003, the so-called Wegweisungsgesetz obliges perpetrators of domestic violence to leave the common home whereas the victim can stay at home instead of having to search for safety in a women’s house. The prosecutor would evict a perpetrator from the common home, police officers assist and take the keys. For at least ten days, he isn’t allowed back home. During the past 20 years since this legislation entered into force, the programs that assist the victims have evolved a lot as have those initiatives that assist the perpetrator. The Luxembourg Red Cross offers a service for perpetrators. The aim of the service Riicht eraus is to prevent people from becoming violent again. In our interview on Local Matters today, my guest is Laurence Bouquet, the director of the service Riicht eraus at the Luxembourg Red Cross. The service addresses perpetrators of domestic violence, women or men who tend to be violent against their partner, their children or their parents. Around 500 people use the Red Cross’ counseling service yearly.
If you need help, find the contact on the Red Cross' website.
Story from our Local Matters Archive.
Photo: cottonbro via pexels