Born in Vancouver Canada…the daughter of educators who had their bags packed ready to move when the mood took them, the girl has traveled in her 18 years, most recently arriving and finishing her education in Luxembourg. On air Jana plays a mix of 90s grunge and recent indie tracks.
Off-air Jana is the voice of Francis of Delirium… and is signed to Dalliance Recordings following the success of debut single ‘Quit Fucking Around’. Led by 19-year-old OUR prodigy Jana, the duo is ompleted by Chris Hewett, 30 years Jana’s senior. The pair make songs that communicate Jana’s intense passion to connect with people intimately. Jana and Chris record everything at Chris’ home studio Sonic Temple Studios. Francis of Delirium is gearing up to release their second EP “Wading” in February 2021.
Homemade rock from the heart.