Teddy Swims, Joost and Benson Boone provided a triple-double this week on Top of the EU Pops. To be precise, Boone’s Beautiful Things tops the charts in three different countries, but… details, right?
Specifically, Austria, Germany and - for the first time - Ireland are Benson’s boon (sorrynotsorry) this week. Joost grabbed the Belgian top spot and added it to his Dutch glory whereas Teddy Swims - inexplicably - tops Estonian and Bulgarian charts simultaneously.
Other notable entries this week include Carly Wilford, who doubles as last week’s Track of the Week on Ara City Radio, Dillaz, topping the Portugese chart with Habibi and Gonzy, whose X’Clusivo took over the Spanish chart.
Top of the EU Pops features on Ara City Radio every Monday at 11 am. In case you missed it, here’s this week’s playlist. Give it a spin and share it with friends!
Teddy Swmis, Dillaz and Carly Wilford