Hundreds of thousands of women worldwide rallied on Saturday for International Women’s Day. Several cities reported growing participation. Get all the details on today's "What's right with the world".
Ensure access to free and safe abortions
Abortion rights are debated again. A couple of weeks ago, the left party Déi Lenk submitted a law proposal asking for abortion rights to be enshrined in Luxembourg's constitution. On European level in the meantime, activists are collecting signatures to achieve access to safe abortions for all women in the EU. Responses from Luxembourg however have been scarce although women fight the same fight here.
LM: The personal fight for the abolition of the death penalty
On Monday, the city of Esch organised a screening of the film "Seven winters in Teheran" which tells the story of Reyhaneh Jabbari's execution. Reyhaneh's mother Shole Pakravan, an activist for human rights and the abolition of the death penalty, in our interview on Local Matters, she tells about her fight.
Making abortion rights constitutional in Luxembourg?
In the beginning of this week, lawmakers in France voted in favor of making abortion rights constitutional. The planning familial Asbl has been advocating to take the same step in Luxembourg as well. In our interview on Local Matters, Ainhoa Achutegui, president of Planning Familial, explains why this is so important and how accessible abortion is in Luxembourg nowadays.
That's why we still need women's rights day
Why do we still need a women’s rights day in Luxembourg? What are the political demands for more gender equality? On the brink of this year’s International Women’s Day, we’ve invited Gabrielle Antar and Amandine Gorse from the platform Journée Internationale des Femmes (JIF) to answer these questions.
What's right: France makes the right to abortion constitutional
This afternoon, lawmakers in France vote to enshrine abortion rights in the constitution. France is the first country to do so. Get all the details on today's What's right with the world.