For 16 years, Mary Faltz was sexually abused by her father. Many years, four children and one cancer diagnose later, she decided to speak up about her experience and wrote a book about her life. Dr. Mary Faltz was our guest at “Local Matters”, in the interview, she talked about her book, about the trial that brought her abuser in jail, and about the message she wants to give to all victims and the public: Speak up, it’ll help.
When Mary Faltz started writing her book “Cruelly betrayed” in 2020, she did not expect the outcome. She just got out of surgery, life kicked her in the butt once again, when she heard her cancer was worse than expected. Mary started writing, wrote everything down that came into her mind, sent her finished book to an edition house and there it was, a testimonial that freed her and has given hope to others.
Today, she sits in our studio smiling, just as she is smiling on the cover of her book. Because “in Orange week and in every publication against sexual abuse of children, you always see these dark images, a little girl with the fist in front of her mouth, a child sitting next to a wall, her head between her knees”, she says. “But if you are already a victim in a horrible situation, you don’t want to see more sad victims on posters, you want to see a smile, hope, the hope of being happy.” Mary got her hope back fighting for it. She fought the injustice she experienced in her childhood and during her life, she fought four years during the trial that brought her father behind bars and for this one moment that freed her. “I have this victory. Seeing my abuser being handcoughed and being escorted to that shielded policevan, was the best day of my life.”
Out of his punishment and out of her own recovery, Mary drew much energy that, today, she wants to use to help others doing preventive empowerment work and engaging with other victims.
Listen to the whole interview here on
If you are in need of help, contact one of the following services:
For everyone:
SOS Détresse: Tel: 45 45 45
SCAS Service central d’assistance sociale: Tel: 47 58 21-1
For children and youth:
Police, Department Youth protection: Tel: 12321
ALUPSE: Tel: 26 18 48 1,
KannerJugend-Telefon: Tel: 116 111
L’Ombuds-Comité fir d’Rechter vum Kand (ORK)
For women:
Femmes en Détresse, Tel: 40 73 35