Today on Local Matters, we explore the challenges parents face in finding family-friendly cafés in Luxembourg. Hear from Cecile, who created a new label certifying child-welcoming spaces, and visit Florence Café in the Gare area, one of the certified spots hosting an event for new moms this afternoon.
Local Matters: Summer activities at the Haus vun der Natur
Local Matters visited Lieke Mevis at the Haus vun der Natur in Kockelscheuer to talk about their program for summer.
Local Matters: Visit at the Escher Deierepark
On Local Matters this week, we check out some activities for kids in Luxembourg. For today’s piece, reporter Franziska took us to one of her favourite places in Esch, the Deierepark.
Local Matters: Summercamp at Sunflower crèche
Local Matters this week is about activities for children during summer. At the Montessori Sunflower crèche, the program has already started.
Local Matters: A visit in the Children's home
Local Matters is all about children this week, those children who don’t have the chance to grow up in a regular family environment, but in alternative care. A visit in the children's home in Grevenmacher.